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Teaching Biblical Principles of Giving and Receiving in Real Time

A Paradigm Shift

A paradigm shift is defined as "an important change that happens when the usual way of thinking about or doing something is replaced by a new and different way."


Many Christ followers who have been blessed with solid family foundations, given positive role models, and have been taught and shown the biblical principles of giving, tend to be quite generous. Did you notice "taught and shown?"

Some who were born into generational poverty or have found themselves economically challenged and/or just uninformed of the positive side of being a giver, are living hand to mouth, surviving the only way they know, by taking, taking, taking, to stay fed and sheltered. We understand. It is not for their lack of compassion. Responses are often heard, "I'd help if I could." The 5/20 Project is simply an activation tool to teach and show these Jesus followers the principles of giving and receiving.

Steps to Impart the Gift of Giving in Real Time

Imparting the gift of giving in real time, particularly as a spiritual gift attributed to Holy Spirit, should be seen as an act of His grace and generosity. Holy Spirit leads and empowers Believers to accomplish His desires through various gifts, including the gift of giving, which enables individuals to come alongside of His compassion to share resources, time, and talents with others selflessly, in real time.


Prayer of Intention: Begin by praying for guidance and asking Holy Spirit to work through you to impart this gift to others. Set your intention to be a vessel for generosity and compassion.


Teaching and Example: Teach the importance of giving in accordance with Christ-centered biblical principles. Give examples from scripture to illustrate the significance of giving (see below for just a few).


Encouragement and Support: Our deep desire is to encourage others, to discover and nurture from their most inner spirit, to give. We will support and bring guidance to those who express a desire to learn more about releasing authentic generosity, through the impartation, to be awakened to opportunities in real-time to give and serve in their everyday travels, led and directed by the compassion of Holy Spirit.


Stewardship Education: Soon, The 5/20 Project will provide education on stewardship and financial management, emphasizing the responsibility to use their resources wisely and for the greater good. Biblical principles of budgeting, saving, and giving as acts of worship will also be taught.


Fostering a Culture of Generosity: The 5/20 Project is a positive community of like-minded friends, where giving is celebrated and encouraged. Organized events or initiatives that promote the teaching of The 5/20 Project will be offered throughout the local communities.


Remember that the gift of giving is ultimately a divine blessing imparted to us by Holy Spirit and while we can help facilitate its development in others, it is ultimately up to individuals to invite Holy Spirit to cultivate and activate His seed of compassion within each of us.


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